Your formal letter of request should include these parts:
1. What you want to form
2. That you won't meet during curricular times
3. What your basic purpose is
4. A statement of thanks and/or appreciation
5. A list of founding members with signatures
6. The name and signature of your faculty sponsor (see Step 2)
After you turn in your letter of request, you should ask your principal if you need to submit a mission statement, charter or statement of faith (steps 4-6); we recommend that you have those ready and hold them in your hand so that your principal knows you're ready to turn in whatever is needed.
BELOW IS A LETTER YOU CAN USE. Yup, just copy and paste this into Word or another word processing application. Then just replace the parenthesis with your school name, your founders' names and signatures, and your faculty sponsor's name and signature.
MAKE A COPY OF THIS LETTER. The copy is for your own records. Make sure you copy it after you get all the signatures. Just in case the principal claims something "happened" to the letter, you can just fork over another copy. Or if it ever went to court, then you would have evidence. (You won't go to court though; that's VERY rare.)
Formal Letter of Request
Date: (Replace this with the date)
We, the students of (Replace this with your school name) are formally requesting permission to start and charter a new student Christian organization on campus. This organization will meet only during non-curricular time and will primarily be concerned with helping to foster positive discussion of spiritual matters according to the Bible and prayer.
We seek no other amenities than those already given to existing non-curricular clubs.
We thank you for your consideration.
(Replace this with the name and signature of a founding member)_______________________________________
(Replace this with the name and signature of a founding member)_______________________________________
(Replace this with the name and signature of a founding member)_______________________________________
Faculty Sponsor:
(Replace this with the name and signature of the faculty sponsor)______________________________________________________________________________
WHEN YOU TURN IN THE LETTER don't just drop it in a box somewhere. Hand it to your principal and tell your principal that you'd like to start a club. Tell your principal that you have a list of founding members and the name and signature of your faculty sponsor (see step 2). Ideally, you should have all this prepared when you first talk to your principal. You should know if your school allows non-curriculm clubs, and then you should ask your principal if the school allows non-curriculum clubs. When your principal says yes, you should tell your principal that you want to start a Bible Club and hand your principal the formal letter of request. For further details, see Step 1.
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